
Quality Assurance & Software Testing

Quality Assurance & Software Testing

Dedicated QA Team at your fingertips! We put expertise, experience and efficiency together to offer start-to-finish Testing Services spanning both conventional and cutting edge technologies.
Testing Patterns


Security and Access Control Testing

Interoperability Testing

Performance and Load Testing

Stability / Reliability Testing

Installation testing

Failover and Recovery Testing

Stress Testing

Volume Testing

Usability Testing

Configuration Testing

Smoke Testing

Regression Testing

Unit Testing

Sanity Testing


Cross-browser compatibility, responsive layouts, and jaw-dropping performance speed will be ensured on your business page, website or blog. We will highlight the bottlenecks and important issues thus giving a precise aim for fixes your dev team can prioritize and respond to. This way we ensure your web resources carefully guide your site’s visitors towards your strategic goals pumping up conversions and useful interactions.


We deliver custom desktop application services to clients from all over the world. Your application will meet leading industry standards in security, stability, performance and usability

Mobile App

We combine digital environments with physical devices to ensure native feels and looks of applications under test. iOS, Android and cross-platform applications are inspected to reveal stress, load and performance bottlenecks through test automation frameworks like Appium, Selenium, Robotium, etc.

Web Apps

A complex blend of manual testing and QA automation allows us to thoroughly inspect your web app and look into every corner of it from user registration to performance of desirable actions. We’ll let you know how well your solution performs in mobile and desktop environments covering all popular browsers and OS versions.

A vast pool of talents allows for amazing flexibility – hand-pick your own QA teams according to your businesses needs and preferences.

Emulations do not allow for the same level of clarity when it comes to compatibility. This is why we always test products on real devices.

We’ve built a custom Project Management platform to analyze code inputs and clearly visualize performance on every stage of the testing cycle.